
A framework that helps you build your e2e tests more easily using the BDD style

View the Project on GitHub mmendesas/walnutjs


walnutjs is a collection of generic steps for interact with web-applications.

You can easily simulate user interactions using a business-readable way. You only need to write some feature files using the Gherkin syntax and plan your tests with BDD (Behavior Driven Development) pattern.

Enjoy It!


CircleCI Npm version License contributions welcome

Usage: walnut [options]

Walnut Framework - Automated BDD Tests for Web Applications

  -V, --version              output the version number
  -c, --config <path>        path to JSON config file
  -t, --tags <tagName>       name of tag to run (default: [])
  -m, --execMethod <method>  execution method [e.g runOnlyAPI]
  -h, --help                 output usage information

Please see our wiki DOCs for more details.

Getting Started

These instructions will give you a sample feature file to show you how easy is to make your own tests


Before continue, check that you have completed the following requirements:

Setup the project

  1. Start by creating a simple nodejs project and add walnutjs to it:
     mkdir my-app && cd my-app
     npm init -y
     npm i --save walnutjs
  2. Setting up a walnut-config.js file inside rootFolder based on this file
  3. Create a folder structure like that:
     > my-app
         > test
             > features
             > step-defs
             > locators
             > params

    You can create these folders above on your own, just be sure to indicate the correct paths inside walnut-config.js file.

  4. Add the folowing content to locators.json file:
                 "name": "GoogleHome",
                     { "key": "SearchInput", "type": "name", "value": "q" },
                     { "key": "SearchButton", "type": "p:xpath", "value": "//input[@value='{0}']" }
  5. Add the following content to sample.feature file:
     Feature: First test with walnutjs
         Scenario: I want see the Google Page
             Given user navigates to 'http://www.google.com'
             When user fills 'GoogleHome-SearchInput' by replacing text with 'led zeppelin wikipedia'
             And user clicks on 'GoogleResult-SearchButton'
  6. Before execution check that selenium webserver was started correctly. For this sample we will use webdriver-manager
     webdriver-manager start
     10:15:57.230 INFO [SeleniumServer.boot] - Selenium Server is up and running on port 4444
  7. Define a single start script in your package.json:
      "scripts": {
         "start": "walnut",
  8. Execute your script
     npm start

    You can also run using $(npm bin)/walnut on your terminal

More details

Review this project boilerplate to get more insights and this documentation to see more details.

Running the tests

Just run the following command inside the root folder:

Built With


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.